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Vodafone Ukraine will be holding an investor call on September 6, 2022
The earnings release and independent audit review is available on the Vodafone UA webpage, Investor Relations.
The call begins at:
New York: 10:00 am
London: 3:00 pm
Kyiv: 5:00 pm
Baku: 6:00 pm
Please fix the date and time of the call in your calendars.
Details on joining the conference call:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTUyN2M1MzYtY2NhNS00OTcyLWJhZWUtNmUxNzE4YmEzMmJk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%227f2ff223-681e-42d0-8e30-5bda81b011c1%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fc62c74d-39d9-4590-8abe-02d5a819b1d0%22%7d
Meeting ID: 346 563 290 190
Passcode: Xe6KUV
For additional information, please contact in Kyiv:
Investor Relations
Vodafone UA
Rishad Aliyev