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or in My Vodafone app (Available Services - Useful Services sections).
Number reservation service is free for contract and prepaid customers.
The service is available for activation in the following tariffs:
- PoP tariffs:
Red Start, Red Pro, Red Unlim, Red Unlim Plus, Red Unlim MAX, Red Turbo, Red L, Red M, Red XL, Red XXL, Vodafone Ultra, Vodafone Ultra VIP, Red S, Red Light.
- PrP taariffs:
Vodafone Device S, Vodafone Device M, Vodafone Device L, Vodafone LIGHT+, Vodafone LIGHT, Vodafone 4G Smart XS, Vodafone 4G Smart XS+, Vodafone 4G Smart S+, Vodafone 4G Smart M, Vodafone 4G Smart S, Vodafone 4G Smart XL, Vodafone Partner, Vodafone SuperNet Start_2019, Vodafone SuperNet Pro_2019, Vodafone SuperNet Unlim, Vodafone SuperNet Turbo_2019, Vodafone SuperNet Pro-1_2019, Joice, Vodafone SuperNet Start, Vodafone SuperNet Pro, Vodafone SuperNet TURBO_2021, Vodafone SuperNet Pro+_2021, Vodafone SuperNet Start+, Vodafone SuperNet Pro+, Vodafone SuperNet Turbo, YEZZ.
We carefully choose those partners’ offers that you may be interested in. We send them in text messages (SMS, Viber), web banners or voice calls.
The service in roaming works as in Ukraine. Incoming calls in roaming are charged according to your tariff.
The service is provided for free.