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31,88 UAH/month including VAT and Pension Fund fee.
If you need to change your IP address, the cost of the Service for the current month will be non-refundable. In this case, the cost of the Service with a new IP address is charged proportionally to the days remaining in the current month.
The service is provided to contract customers only.
For individuals:
To activate the Service, please visit one of the Vodafone brand stores
For legal entities:
To activate the Service, please contact your specialist or call the Customer Service Center at 050 462 00 04 or 044 240 00 04
Special terminal settings for the Service use:
The terminal settings, particularly in the APN field («Assess Point Name» or «Access Point») shall contain «staticip»
Special settings of modem connection for Windows PC:
The modem initialization line shall be completed with the following: AT + CGDCONT = 1, «IP», «staticip».