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Olga Ustinova


She took office on January 1, 2016. Prior to that, she held senior positions in telecommunications companies in Ukraine, such as Ukrtelecom, Astelit, N-Pay, GSM Ukraine, MTS. For four years Olga headed the Kiev territorial department of the company.

Olga Ustinova graduated with honors from the Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications. A.S. Popov in 1995 with a degree in Engineer-Economist.

Ольга Устинова

Olga Deynega

Director of corporate management and control

Olga Deynega received a law degree. Has experience in the public and private sectors of the economy. She began her career in the Department of River and Sea Transport of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine, then worked in the companies Lukoil, Astelit (life). In 2006, she joined MTS Ukraine, where she worked as a legal adviser, head of the design and analytical work department, then head of the legal department.

In April 2016, she was appointed Deputy General Director of Vodafone Ukraine, Center region. In May 2018, she was appointed Director of Corporate Governance and Control.

Ольга Дейнега

Nadiia Sirenko

Director of HR

She joined the company in 2004. Since 2007, she held the position of Head of Remuneration and Performance Management. Since 2011, she worked in the corporate center of the company, where she was responsible for the development and implementation of the personnel remuneration strategy, the development and changes of the organizational structure, the implementation of projects for the integration of companies.

He has diplomas and certificates in various areas of the HR industry, in particular, a diploma in human resource management from the School of HRM at KMBS, a diploma from the Academy of Business E&Y.

Надія Сіренко

Yevgeny Bulakh

Director of sales and customer service

Vodafone has been operating since December 2016. From 2013 to 2015, Evgeniy served as Vice President, Director of the Business Development Department of OJSC Alfa-Bank, and also headed the company for the development of alternative energy in Ukraine. Evgeny's portfolio also includes successful creation and launch of startups.

Evgeniy graduated with honors from the European University of Finance, Information Systems, Management and Business with a degree in Enterprise Economics and Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity.

Євген Булах

Andrey Otroschenko

Director of marketing

From 2009 to 2017, he held senior positions in the marketing divisions of AB INBEV Ukraine and Carlsberg Ukraine. Among the cases in his portfolio are: effective implementation of innovations - due to innovations, about 25% of the company's income was received, the development of marketing campaigns of a new type, the implementation of large-scale all-Ukrainian and regional integrated marketing projects.

Graduated from Donetsk State University of Management, where he received a Master's degree in Marketing Management.

Андрій Отрощенко

Eugene Frunza

Technical Director

From 1984 to 2003, he held positions from a mechanic to the head of the production and technical department at Ukrtelecom. In 2003, he started working at UMC as a base station engineer, in 2005 he headed the network operation center in Chernivtsi, and in 2011 he took the position of Deputy Director of the Western Territorial Administration of the company for technical issues. From 2012 to 2016, he held senior positions in technical departments, developing 3G and 4G networks. In May 2016, he headed the Technical Directorate of Vodafone Ukraine.

Evgeniy graduated from the Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fedkovich with a degree in Physics.

Євген Фрунза

Natalya Shevchenko

Financial Director

Natalia's professional baggage includes 12 years of experience in management positions in the telecommunications business. For the last 8 years, he headed the Corporate Reporting Department of the company. Before joining the company in 2008, Natalya worked in various positions in finance and audit, in particular for 4 years as a senior auditor at Ernst & Young.

Natalya graduated from the Kiev National Economic University, received a master's degree in finance.

Наталія Шевченко

Konstantin Zhilin

Director of information technology

Konstantin Zhilin graduated from Donetsk State Technical University with a degree in Computer Systems and Networks.

His professional experience in the IT field is over 20 years. More than 12 years of them - a career in the company "Lifecell", where Konstantin headed various directions and projects: operation of BSS, VAS, BI, IT infrastructure, ITSM solutions; management and coordination of projects and programs for the implementation of billing systems, interconnect, roaming, fraud prevention and revenue control systems; development of a portfolio of own IT products, CRM, mutual settlements with partners, BI.

Konstantin is married and has a son and daughter.

Костянтин Жилін

Dmitry Ponomarenko

Director of strategy

He started his career in the company in 1999 and for 17 years held positions from B2B head to director of territorial administration in the Western and Central regions, implemented the commercial and technical strategy of the regions. Since 2016, he was appointed CEO of one of the companies of the VEON group in Laos, where he effectively implemented the new company strategy. In 2018 he returned to Ukraine to the position of Strategy Director of Vodafone Ukraine.

Dmitry has extensive management experience and deep understanding of the commercial, financial, technical and administrative functions of the business. He has an MBA and a master's degree in finance from KNEU.

Дмитро Пономаренко

Goshgar Hasanov

Director of procurement and logistics

Goshgar has been working in supply systems management for 24 years, has procurement experience in IT, telecom, law, finance, HR, real estate, tax and audit, consulting, social investment and other areas.

Goshgar Hasanov worked in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Dubai, US, UK, Hungary. In December 2020, he assumed the position of Director of Procurement and Logistics at Vodafone Ukraine.

Goshgar has an MBA in Procurement and Supply Management from Arizona State University, School of Business, U.P. Curry and a master’s degree in International Law and International Relations of Baku State University.

Гошгар Гасанов
Schedule of reception of citizens by the management of PJSC "VF Ukraine"

«Особистий прийом громадян керівництвом ПрАТ «ВФ Україна» в умовах воєнного стану»

Із введенням воєнного стану в Україні з 24.02.2022 року, з метою запобігання проникненню на територію офісних приміщень ПрАТ «ВФ Україна» сторонніх осіб, недопущення пронесення вибухонебезпечних предметів у будівлю, яка перебуває під охороною, обмежено доступ на територію офісів ПрАТ «ВФ Україна».

На жаль, наші офісні приміщення мають обмежені можливості щодо забезпечення укриття, куди під час проведення особистого прийому могли б пройти громадяни, у разі сповіщення сигналу «Повітряна тривога».

Згідно з роз’ясненнями щодо розгляду звернень в умовах воєнного стану, розміщеними на офіційному сайті Уповноваженого Верховної Ради України з прав людини, на можливість реалізації окремих прав заявників можуть вплинути встановлення посиленої охорони та особливого режиму роботи ПрАТ «ВФ Україна», обмеження свободи пересування в приміщенні. З огляду на впровадження таких та інших безпекових заходів права заявників на особистий прийом керівниками та іншими посадовими особами ПрАТ «ВФ Україна», право бути присутнім при розгляді заяви чи скарги, можуть зазнати обмежень.

Зважаючи на викладене вище, особистий прийом громадян керівництвом ПрАТ «ВФ Україна» тимчасово не проводиться.

Разом з тим, громадянам забезпечена можливість реалізації права на звернення шляхом подання усних або письмових звернень.

З метою вирішення питань щодо послуг мобільного зв’язку ПрАТ «ВФ Україна» є можливість зателефонувати до Центру дистанційного обслуговування абонентів за номером 111 (безкоштовно з номера ПрАТ «ВФ Україна») або 0800400111 (безкоштовно з мобільних номерів всіх українських операторів). Звернутися письмово за адресою: вул. Лейпцизька, 15, м. Київ, 01601, електронною поштою (адреса:, через «Форму зворотнього зв’язку» на сайті ПрАТ «ВФ Україна» за посиланням:, у чат-боті мобільного додатку «My Vodafone» або в особисті повідомлення наших офіційних сторінок у соцмережах посилання на які розміщені на нашому сайті