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To take care of customers Vodafone offers a free service "Waiting for a call"

"Waiting for a call" is a service that will tell another subscriber that you tried to call him, even if you do not have enough funds to call.

The service is provided free of charge and sends notifications in the form of a micro-call to the numbers of Ukrainian mobile operators which will appear as a missed call.

How to use the service

dial the number of subscriber
you will hear information about the lack of funds in the account
the called party will receive a micro-call, which will be displayed as a missed call or SMS
the called party will be able to call you back

Terms of provision:

  • During the day you can make 10 attempts to call with insufficient account balance, and called subscribers will receive micro-calls or messages asking to call back. After the 10th attempt, notifications from you will no longer be sent to the called party.If the Vodafone subscriber you want to contact is offline for more than 2 hours from the moment of your call, he will receive an SMS instead of a micro-call with the text “+XXXххххххххх tried to reach you at hh:mm dd/mm/yy. Please call back".
  • If the subscriber of another Ukrainian mobile operator with whom you want to contact is offline for more than 2 hours from the moment of your call, he will not receive a notification.
  • If the called party Vodafone is offline for more than 24 hours after your call, he will not receive anything.
  • If requests for the service "Waiting for a call" to the same number will go more than once every three minutes, then the first request will be in the form of a micro-call, and all subsequent requests will be skipped.

Useful links:

Quick account top up 
Funds on demand